Our focus areas

The initiative has grown substantially since it was first piloted at Flood and Coast conference in 2018 and has 5 elements. Click on the images below to read more.


Bringing together people across the country at regional and virtual events to network, share issues and seek advice on your career development.


Promoting and celebrating individuals who are leading the way, supporting others and challenging stereotypes for the benefits of others.


The WiFCERM mentoring programme is a group programme, based around issues which women have highlighted that would like additional support and guidance to support their growth and career development.


Using a communications and engagement plan to continue to build our following and reach.


Through our conversations and work to date it is clear there is a gap that needs filling. But what is that gap? We know there are many different initiatives that support people to grow and develop their careers, be they are gender related or more broadly linked to profession. We do not want to duplicate what these initiatives offer, but we do want to understand what we might offer to complement what already exists and fill any gap.